

Sophisticated Analytical Instrumentation Facility, CIL and UCIM

Laboratory: Mass Spectrometry


The Electron Microscope is an essential component for scientific analysis of a variety of materials. The centreScanning Electron Microscope has a well equipped laboratory which houses both a Transmission Electron Microscope (TEM) and Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM). Together, the instruments comprise a powerful tool in studying (cell and molecular biology, anatomy, microbiology, pathology and forensic science) biological specimens, food stuffs and several other areas of material sciences (electronics, metallurgy, polymer and surface science).

Transmission Electron Microscope (TEM)
TEM is analogous to the optical microscope. It provides very high resolution which can reach approximately 0.1 nm in the case of lattice images. Consequently very high magnification (Close to 1 million times) can be obtained. TEM is used to examine very thin sections (<60 nm in thickness) through the cells and tissues or through materials as well as replicas of the surfaces of the smples.

120 kV Transmission Electron Microscope
A Transmission Electron Microscope, Hitachi (H-7500) 120 kV is equiped with CCD Camera This instrument has the resolution of 0.36 nm (point to point) with 40-120 kV operating voltage and can magnify object up to 6 lakh times in High Resolution mode. It has Electron Diffraction, Tungsten Filament, Low Dose Function, High Contrast Mode with ergodynamic look. The specific features of the instrument are: maximum field of views at x700 with dual picture modes, Auto-navigation, Largest possible field with mose contrast, auto pre-irradiation mode (APIS). The equipment has provision for future up-gradation for an analytical system by adding EELS, EDS and STEM attachments.

Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM)
SEM facilitates the observation of very fine details (high resolution) of biological materials and good focus over a wide range of specimen surface (large depth of field). It also produces clear image of specimen ranging from object visible to the naked eye to a structure spanning few nanometers. Besides its use in studying soils, sedimentary particles and rock materials, it also helps to elucidate the architecture and evolution of microfossiles.

Digital Scanning Electron Microscope - JSM 6100 (JEOL)
This was the first microscope of its kind in India when installed in 1991. The JSM-6100 is equipped with a digital image processor. It has a large specimen chamber that allows observation of the entire surface of a specimen upto 150 mm and a tilt of -5 to 90o. A special feature of this SEM is a cryostage attached to it to study the low melting point specimens.

The image processing function permits image averaging and storage, filling of acquired still images and comparison of two/four images displayed simultaneously on the 12 inch CRT. This function makes it possible to observe specimens without causing damage to them.

Other features of this microscope are:

Resolution    =   4.0 nm at 8mm working distance
Working distance    =    6 to 48 mm
Accelerating Voltage    = 0.3 to 30 KV
Magnification    = x10 to x300,000
Image Recording    = on 120 B&W Roll Film (100 ASA) or 
35mm B&W roll (25 ASA)
Instant Print    =    an instant print is also possible on a Thermal Video Printer

Ancillary Equipments available

  • Ultramicrotomes (LKB Nova) & RMC XL
  • Glass Knife Maker (LKB Knife Maker) and RMC
  • Sputter Coater (JEOL JFM 1100)
  • Evaporation unit ('Ladd' Research Laboratory)
  • Freeze-drying apparatus
  • Critical point dryer
  • Image analyser which will further enhance the utility and versatility of this instrument
  • Automatic tissue processory and a autostainer

Specimen Requirement for TEM
This tissues/specimens are received for examination in the form of stained grinds.  The particulate samples are received in suspension for negative staining.  The grids are prepared in the laboratory.  Efforts are on to create the facility of tissue processing in the centre in near future.
Specimen Requirement of SEM
The biological samples stored in 0.1 M buffer at 4oC after primary fixation are received for studies.  The subsequent treatment is undertaken by the technical personnel of the centre.

For transmission electron microscopy, plate films/35 mm films are made available, depending on the need of the users.  For scanning electron microscopy, 120 mm/35 mm film is provided by the user.  The films are developed and the negatives are handed over o the users.  The Centre also provides photograph printing facility to users on demand.  Recently, the facility to prepare projection slides with an attachment of 35 mm camera while doing routine recording on SEM of results has been started.


Enquiry No(s): 1800-180-2065, +91 172 2534818, 2534866 (from 9:30 am to 1:00 pm & 2:30 pm to 5:00 pm on working days )

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