

Sophisticated Analytical Instrumentation Facility, CIL and UCIM

Laboratory: X-Ray Diffractometer (Powder Method)


Panalytical's X'Pert Pro
X-ray diffraction is versatile and non-destructive technique for characterizing the crystalline samples including nano material. It reveals detailed information about phase identification and crystal structure of natural and engineered materials.

The diffractometer is important tool in both R&D and in production control in industries and has wide range of application areas including: Material science, Geology, Pharmaceuticals, Building materials, Polymers and Thin films and coating etc.

The instrument consists of vertical theta-theta goniometer having range of 0o-160o 2 theta. The radiation used is Cu K-alpha-1 where as nickel metal is used as beta filter.

X'Pert Pro XRD is equipped with x'Celerator solid-state detector. This award winning has reduced the measurement times from hours to minutes.

Software supports is capable of all kind of analysis related to powder diffractometery such as phase identification through search/match method, particle size and strain determination by Scherer method, thickness measurement of thin films (under development) all kinds of pattern treatment like background subtraction, smoothing and alpha-2 stripping.

The results are given in the form of intensity verses 2-theta position with printed peak position, d-values, FWHM and relative intensity.

2 gram fine powder sample or sample on glass slide of size 3.5 cm x 2.5 cm and thickness 0.2 cm with uniform sample layer on one side is required for taking diffractogram.


Enquiry No(s): 1800-180-2065, +91 172 2534818, 2534866 (from 9:30 am to 1:00 pm & 2:30 pm to 5:00 pm on working days )

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